Vata Oil for Soothing Massage Benefits Relaxing, Warming, Grounding

by hayouni


Vata oil is a rejuvenating Ayurvedic oil that offers a range of benefits for the body and mind. This synergistic blend of nine herbs, including ashwagandha, bala, and passionflower, provides a grounding and nourishing support for vata dosha. Made from a base of organic sesame and olive oils, this oil helps to warm and lubricate the delicate vata system. Regular self-massage with vata oil is highly recommended in Ayurveda to restore calmness and strength.

Benefits of Vata Oil

Benefits of Vata Oil

Vata dosha, which is composed of the elements air and space, is responsible for various bodily functions such as breathing, muscle movements, and digestion. Grounding and nourishing support is essential for vata dosha, and vata oil provides just that. By incorporating warming herbs and organic oils, vata oil promotes vitality, vigor, and a sense of grounding. Regular self-massage with this oil brings stability and helps to maintain vata balance.

How to Use Vata Oil

To fully experience the benefits of vata oil, it is recommended to warm the oil before use. Apply the oil to the entire body and massage until it is mostly absorbed. Generally, using 2 ounces of oil is sufficient for a full body massage, but you can adjust the quantity according to your preference. Remember, vata oil is for external use only.


Vata oil is made from a blend of certified organic herbs and oils that work together to provide grounding and nourishment. The ingredients include:

  • Sesame oil+
  • Olive oil+
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)+
  • Bala (Sida cordifolia)+
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)+
  • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)+
  • Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba)+
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)+
  • Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla)+
  • Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)+
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)+

+Certified Organic

Vata oil Certified Organic

Packaging and Sustainability

Banyan oils are packaged in recyclable BPA-free plastic containers, ensuring both convenience and sustainability. By choosing vata oil, you are not only supporting your well-being but also contributing to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Vata Massage Oil

Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans

Vata oil contains no animal products, making it suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. You can enjoy the benefits of this Ayurvedic oil while following your dietary preferences.

Stocking Up on Vata Oil

Fall and early winter are the seasons when vata is at its highest, making it the perfect time to stock up on vata oil. If you plan to order a larger size, consider adding an oil pump to your bottle for a spill-free experience. Oil pumps are available for 34 and 128 fl oz bottles.


Vata oil offers a range of benefits for those looking to ground and nourish their vata dosha. With a synergistic blend of herbs and organic oils, this Ayurvedic oil supports vitality, vigor, and calmness. Incorporating a daily self-massage with vata oil helps restore balance to the vata system and provides strength. Experience the relaxing, warming, and grounding effects of vata oil and embrace the rejuvenating power of Ayurveda.


what is vata oil used for

Vata oil is commonly used in Ayurvedic practices to balance the vata dosha, which is associated with qualities such as dryness, coldness, lightness, and movement. This specially formulated oil helps to nourish the skin, soothe the mind, and promote relaxation. It is often used in self-massage techniques known as abhyanga to support overall well-being and enhance the body’s natural energy flow.

what scents are good for vata

Some scents that are good for balancing vata dosha include grounding and calming aromas such as sandalwood, lavender, and rose. These scents can help vata individuals feel more centered and relaxed.

what is a vata body type

A Vata body type, according to Ayurveda, is characterized by qualities such as lightness, dryness, coldness, roughness, and mobility. People with a dominant Vata dosha tend to have a slender build, dry skin and hair, and may experience issues related to digestion and anxiety. Maintaining a Vata-balancing lifestyle through diet, exercise, and self-care practices can help individuals with this body type stay in optimal health and balance.

what are the reasons for vata

The reasons for vata imbalance in the body can be attributed to various factors. Vata is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, representing the air and ether elements. When vata is aggravated, it can lead to issues such as anxiety, dry skin, constipation, and restlessness. It is important to understand the causes of vata imbalance in order to restore harmony and balance to the body.

what is vata dosha and vata type skin

Vata dosha is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, representing the elements of air and ether. People with Vata type skin tend to have dry and delicate skin, prone to fine lines and wrinkles. They may benefit from regular moisturization and nourishing skincare routines to maintain balance and hydration.

what essential oils are good for vata

Vata is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, representing air and ether elements. Essential oils that are good for balancing vata dosha include grounding and warming oils such as ginger, cinnamon, and sandalwood. These oils can help calm an overactive mind, promote relaxation, and bring a sense of stability and warmth to those with a dominant vata constitution.

what essential oils are good for vata dosha

Vata dosha is characterized by qualities such as dryness, coldness, lightness, and movement. Essential oils that are good for balancing vata dosha include grounding and warming oils like ginger, cinnamon, and frankincense. These oils can help calm the mind, improve circulation, and bring a sense of stability and warmth to the body and mind.

how can i calm my vata immediately

Here are a few techniques you can try to calm your Vata dosha immediately:
1. Practice deep breathing exercises to ground yourself and bring a sense of calm.
2. Enjoy a warm cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile or ginger, to help soothe your nerves.
3. Take a short walk in nature to reconnect with the earth’s grounding energy.
4. Try some gentle yoga poses or stretches to release tension and promote relaxation.

how do you balance vata immediately

To balance vata immediately, you can try incorporating grounding activities such as walking in nature, practicing deep breathing exercises, enjoying a warm and nourishing meal, applying warm oil to your body, and engaging in gentle yoga or meditation. These practices can help calm the overactive vata dosha and bring a sense of balance and peace to your mind and body.

how do i know if i am vata

If you are wondering how to determine your predominant dosha, there are various online quizzes and resources available that can help you assess if you have a vata constitution. Additionally, consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner can provide you with a more accurate diagnosis based on a comprehensive evaluation of your physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

which oil is best for vata imbalance

When determining the best oil for vata imbalance, it is important to consider oils that are warming and nourishing. Vata types may benefit from oils such as sesame oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil, as these oils can help balance the dry, cold, and light qualities associated with vata dosha. Additionally, incorporating self-massage (abhyanga) with warm oil into your daily routine can be especially beneficial for pacifying vata and promoting relaxation and grounding.

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